Tag Results for
"george bamberger" - 3 Total Result(s)
1982 Info Guide: Bamberger Joins Mets
In 1982, the Mets hired George Bamberger, a one-time New York Giants pitcher and New York City native, to manage the team. His three years as skipper of the Milwaukee Brewers had been successful and t ...
A Tough Road Loss: 1982 Mets Lineup Card
Mets starting pitcher Mike Scott was knocked out of the game early at Busch Stadium as the St. Louis Cardinals scored 7 runs to defeat the Mets. Future Met Keith Hernandez had 2 hits for the Cardinals ...
By George, We’ve Got It: Mets Acquisitions
The 1982 Mets were led by a pair of Georges: new manager George Bamberger and newly-acquired slugger George Foster. The latter would record 136 hits that season, second-best on the team.