Tag Results for
"1982 season" - 4 Total Result(s)
1982 Info Guide: Bamberger Joins Mets
In 1982, the Mets hired George Bamberger, a one-time New York Giants pitcher and New York City native, to manage the team. His three years as skipper of the Milwaukee Brewers had been successful and t ...
A Chat With Mookie Wilson At Shea
Mookie Wilson chatted on the field at Shea Stadium during his sophomore season in 1982. That year, he led the team in hits (178), runs (90) and at-bats (639).
A Tough Road Loss: 1982 Mets Lineup Card
Mets starting pitcher Mike Scott was knocked out of the game early at Busch Stadium as the St. Louis Cardinals scored 7 runs to defeat the Mets. Future Met Keith Hernandez had 2 hits for the Cardinals ...
By George, We’ve Got It: Mets Acquisitions
The 1982 Mets were led by a pair of Georges: new manager George Bamberger and newly-acquired slugger George Foster. The latter would record 136 hits that season, second-best on the team.